Most people throw away eggshells but don’t know how important they are! Details in the first comment.
If you’re someone who likes having eggs for breakfast and eats them regularly, here are a few advantages that eggshells provide. Take a look at the article below to understand why you should never throw away eggshells again.
1. Natural Pest Deterrent

To keep slugs, worms, and snails away from your garden and protect your flowers from being eaten, try using crushed eggshells. Sprinkle them around your plants and you’ll notice a change in no time. These pests don’t like the smell of eggshells, so they’ll stay away from your garden.
2. Repels Deer

In the same way insects are repelled, deer are also deterred by eggshells. If you live in a wooded area, deer often come by, so this method can assist in keeping them away from your garden and plants, which they have a tendency to damage.
3. Bird Feed

Eggshells can repel certain creatures, but they are a treat for others. Birds enjoy eggshells, so scattering them in your garden can attract feathered friends who will happily indulge in this snack. This is a great way to bring birds to your garden, as they not only brighten people’s days with their beauty and songs, but also help control pesky insects.
4. Boost Your Soil’s Health

Crafting an eggshell solution or eggshell dust as fertilizer is an eco-friendly option that repurposes what would otherwise be discarded in your local landfill.
The calcium carbonate found in them naturally reduces soil acidity, benefiting plants that prefer lower pH levels. This change increases soil alkalinity, improving nutrient uptake for these plants.
5. Keep Your Veggies Healthy

The eggshells contain calcium carbonate that can help prevent blossom end rot in plants like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Adding crushed eggshells to the soil will keep the vegetables healthy, colorful, and tasty.
6.Raise pH for Potted Plants

Potted plants need different care than plants in a garden. Eggshells can help increase soil pH in pots, but it’s hard for homeowners to collect enough eggshells for this purpose.
7. Composting Made Easy

Eggshell material is great for composting because eggshells and citrus peels can decompose slowly in a compost pile, adding nutrients and minerals to the compost.
Before composting, it is important to wash the shells thoroughly to remove any leftover raw egg. Crushing the shells into smaller pieces helps speed up the decomposition process, as smaller fragments break down faster than whole eggs.
Make sure to utilize eggshells to enhance the beauty of your garden or potted plants the next time you have eggs.
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