School Challenge and Surprising Student Reactions

On Friday, an elementary school teacher challenged her students: “If you can tell me who said the following quote, you don’t have to come to school on Monday: ‘We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.’”
Billy correctly answered, “Franklin D. Roosevelt.” The teacher responded, “Correct, Billy. You can have next Monday off.” Billy replied, “I’m Vietnamese, we value education. I’ll be here Monday.”
The teacher continued, “Let’s try another one: ‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.’” Susie answered, “Abraham Lincoln.” The teacher said, “Correct, Susie. Enjoy your day off.” Susie responded, “Oh no ma’am. I’m Chinese, we also value education. I’ll be here early on Monday morning.”
A voice from the back shouted, “F….g immigrants!” The teacher demanded, “Who said that?!” Little Johnny replied, “Donald Trump… I’ll see ya Tuesday.”
This humorous classroom exchange highlights the unexpected wit and cultural values of the students.