A healthy and happy relationship isn’t one that isn’t without its fair share of temptations. Temptations are everywhere and they’re practically unavoidable. We can’t control the variables no matter how much we might want to. But what we can do is control what we do in the face of these temptations.
And our likelihood as human beings to give in to these temptations heavily relies on our character and personality. And what better way to find out more about our personalities than through the Zodiac signs? You would never want to find yourself in a relationship where unfaithfulness and infidelity are prevalent most especially when you’re the one who is being cheated on.
You would never want to fall so deeply in love with someone who would willingly cheat on you. There’s a certain kind of pain that stems from the betrayal of such a situation that not a lot of people are going to be able to bear with it all too well. So you should just do yourself a favor and minimize the chances of you being cheated on by making sure that the people you date aren’t likely to cheat on you.
And how do you do that exactly? Well, all you really have to do is take note of the Zodiac signs. Not to say that these Zodiac signs are going to cheat on you for certain.
It’s just that it’s highly likely that they are going to cheat on you because of certain personality and character traits that they have. And that also isn’t to say that you will be absolutely free from being cheated on if you date other Zodiac signs. It’s all just a matter of probability. So without further ado, here are the 5 zodiac signs that are highly likely of being unfaithful in a relationship.
1. Capricorn (December 22 January 19)

There are plenty of words that you can use to describe the Capricorn. They are incredibly hardworking. They are resilient and persistent. They know the value of putting in the effort to earn what they want most in life. And more than anything else in relationships, the Capricorn is going to want stability, consistency, and steadiness. If you fail to give these things to them, then it’s likely that they are going to seek these things elsewhere, and they are certain to be ruthless about it. Also read, and if you are in a relationship with a Capricorn read,
2. Aquarius (January 20 February 18)

An Aquarius is a lover of intellectual freedom. They are freethinkers and they never like the feeling of being boxed in a mental capacity. That same trait carries over into their relationships as well. They hate it whenever they are being boxed in relationships and they will want to break free from whatever romantic chains are holding them down
3. Pisces (February 19 March 20)

Out of all the Zodiac signs, Pisces has a reputation for being the romantic dreamer. They are the ones who always like to romanticize and idealize everything. They see the world through so much more than rose-colored glasses. They don’t always see things as they are because they are always overhyping things up in their own minds. They always like to attract drama in their lives.
And sometimes, that drama doesn’t necessarily always translate to faithfulness. Sometimes, just to stir things up a little, a Pisces might give into the temptation to actually engage in third-party affairs just to make the narrative a little more compelling.
4. Taurus (April 20 May 20)

This is a tricky Zodiac sign. A Taurus is known for loyalty. They are the most dependable out of all the Zodiac signs when it comes to trust and loyalty. So why would a Taurus make it on this list? Well, there’s only one reason. They hate betrayal more than anything else in this world. Yes, a Taurus is going to stay loyal to you.
But when they start to feel like you are abusing or betraying the loyalty that they give you, they will be quite quick to seek revenge. They will want to give you a taste of your own medicine by betraying your trust as well. And they will do so with an intense passion that you will not want to experience for yourself.
5. Cancer (June 21 July 22)

Out of all the Zodiac signs, it’s cancer that is the most likely to cheat. The reason for that being that the Cancer is known to get bored a little quite easily. It’s not that they’re afraid of commitment per se. It’s just that sometimes when relationships fall into a comfortable routine, the Cancer will feel uneasy and bored. They like taking care of people. But sometimes, that can even lose its novelty after a while. It just gets to a point where a Cancer reaches their limits on trying to make someone happy and they will want to find someone else with who they can unload all of their feelings.
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