There are certain abilities that humans possess which we often take for granted, simply because we’ve always had them and never known anything different. However, when compared to animals, you might be surprised to discover that even our ability to look up is quite special. Did you know that pigs can’t look up at the sky? Due to the anatomical structure of their necks and spines, this is one task that these animals can’t do.
To begin with, pigs have eyes on the sides of their heads. This is common in animals that have to always be on the lookout for predators. But while this gives them a panoramic view of 310 degrees, this positioning also means that they have a blind spot directly in front of their snouts and another directly above their heads, which makes it impossible for them to look up, as they only have a 50-degree upward vision.
The Answer is =>>> That’s the PIG

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But it is not like pigs don’t look up at all or see the sky; it’s just that they have adapted to the way their bodies are built. So when they want to observe the sky or something tall, they will make sure that they go as far from it and align their heads at an angle that will help them have a sidelong glance at the object. If not that, they can simply fall on the ground and roll around until they get on their backs, and then they can have a full view of the sky or any object above their normal scope of vision. So pigs can look at the sky if they want to; it is just that they can’t raise their heads up to look; they have to gaze through unconventional methods.